VISA Fee Reimbursement Fund

When our Union settled our last contract at the end of 2019, we won the establishment of a self-replenishing VISA Fee Reimbursement Fund of $15,000/year. This fund is available to international postdoctoral researchers to apply for reimbursements for VISA fees or for SEVIS fees of up to $1000 per applicant per year. This fund marks an important Union win for more equitable working conditions and to minimize the higher cost of working at UMass Amherst for international researchers.

In 2020, 17 postdocs applied for and received reimbursements ranging from $150-$500. This year, you can apply between January 15th and February 28th to receive reimbursements for fees incurred in 2020.

The University manages the application process and the distribution of funds. We have included the application materials on the Union website for your reference and ease of access.

Applicants must submit the application form to begin the reimbursement process. Applicants are
required to submit documents as indicated in the application. Upon approval from the Provost’s
office and the International Programs Office, you will receive your reimbursement as a payroll
reimbursement. For any questions please reach out to the Provost’s Academic Personnel team at

